The Basics of Oxford-Oregon and Parliamentary Debate
Oxford Oregon and Parliamentary Debate
Debate is an essential part of academic communities, and two popular forms of it are Oxford Oregon and Parliamentary debate. Oxford Oregon and Parliamentary debate are both forms of competitive argument, with an emphasis on analysis and argumentation. However, they differ in the structure of the debate, the rules of the debate, and the types of arguments used.
Oxford Oregon Debate
Oxford Oregon debate, otherwise known as World Schools Debate, is a form of debate used in academic competitions across the world. This type of debate is characterized by two teams of three speakers, two teams of two speakers, or at times one team of two speakers competing against one speaker. Each speaker has eight minutes to make their argument and they must use evidence to support their points. The two teams will compete against each other in a round-robin format, and the judges will decide which team won based on their arguments and evidence.
Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary debate is a form of competitive debate used in many academic competitions. This type of debate is characterized by two teams of two speakers competing against each other in a round-robin format. Each speaker has seven minutes to make their argument, and they must use evidence to support their points. The judges will then decide which team won based on their arguments and evidence.
Both Oxford Oregon and Parliamentary debate have many similarities. Both forms of debate require the participants to make a persuasive argument using evidence, and both forms of debate require teams to compete in a round-robin format. Additionally, both debates use an adjudication process to determine which team won.
In conclusion, Oxford Oregon and Parliamentary debate are two popular forms of debate used in academic competitions across the world. While they differ in their structure and rules, both forms of debate are similar in that they require teams to make a persuasive argument using evidence and compete in a round-robin format.
The information in this document was gathered from the following sources:
- “World Schools Debate: What is it and How Do You Do it?” Debate Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 December 2020.
- “Parliamentary Debate.” Debate Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 December 2020.
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